Online eTDS Self Verify कसरी गर्ने । Online eTDS Self Verification Process -IRD Nepal ?

#टिडिएस​ #ETDSOnlineVerify​ #OnlineTDSVerification​ #TDSSelfVerification​ #eTDS​ 

अनलाईन टिडिएस कसरी आफैं भेरिफाई गर्ने, आन्तरिक राजश्व कार्यालयले अब आफैं अनलाईनमा अग्रिम कर कट्टीको विवरण आफैं रुजु या भेरिफाई गर्न सक्ने गरि ब्यावस्था ल्याएको छ । आन्तरिक राजश्वको वेबसाईटमा गई कर दाता पोर्टन लगइन गरि आफैं इटिडिएस भेरिफाई गर्न सकिन्छ । आज हामी यो प्रकृया कसरी गर्ने उदाहरण सहित भिडियोमा हेर्नेछौं । 

We gonna discus the process of eTDS Verification and demonstrate the example Tutorial of online eTDS self Verification complete process in this video. IRD- Inland Revenue Department (Nepal Tax Office) has newly added the service of TDS self verification menu on Verification menu. Once you submit the TDS transaction details and TDS payment voucher details correctly on through E-TDS menu on taxpayer portal then you can verify the Etds submission number from taxpayer dashboard through verification menu. When you go to verification menu- Choose TDS on Dropbox then put your submission no then press Verify then your sub no will be verified instantly. Verification will not be succeed if your TDS payment voucher not reconciled. I advise all of you to use online generated voucher to avoid reconciliation problem and voucher missing problem. Once you get verified, message will be received to KYT number also from Tax office


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